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A technique for cervical thoaracic manipulation

About Osteopathy

There are a lot of questions that people have when visiting an Osteopath.

Find some of the most common questions people have below. If something is still unclear, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Q: Who are osteopaths and what do they do?

A: Osteopaths are established healthcare professionals regulated by law through the GOsC. They are highly trained to degree level with 1000 hours of clinical placement. 

They provide a tailored and personalised approach to health with hands-on treatments and lifestyle advice taking time to understand your individual history, circumstances and body functions.     

Osteopaths understand how your body works - they are musculoskeletal experts who take the time to understand the cause of your discomforts. 

Osteopathy is suitable for all ages and appropriate for many lifestyle choices. 

Q: What should I expect during my treatment? 

A: Your treatment with Elvira Cipolletti will begin with a thorough assessment to understand your individual needs. This will be followed by a detailed treatment plan, which may include manual therapy, stretching, and exercise.

Q: How should I prepare for my treatment?

A: Nothing to prepare prior to the session, but you will be asked to be in your underwear so please take with you some shorts and a vest and wear appropriate clothing for the assessments.

Q: How does Osteopathy help with chronic pain?

A: Osteopathy has proven to be valuable in treating chronic pain conditions. With constant discomfort symptoms, treatments include pain education and lifestyle adjustment advice, along with gentle hands-on techniques to support you to relax and settle your nervous system. 
An osteopath will teach your body how to manage and reduce pain.

Q: What are the benefits of osteopathy and therapeutic massage?

A: Osteopathy and therapeutic massage can help improve mobility, reduce pain, and promote healing from injury. It can also improve posture, reduce stress, and improve circulation.

Who Are Osteopaths?

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